Powerful Command Line Options in Pytest

Powerful Command Line Options in Pytest


2 min read

Pytest provides a variety of command-line options that allow you to customize how your tests are run and reported. These options can be very useful in different testing scenarios. Here are some commonly used command-line options in Pytest:

  1. Specifying Test Files or Directories:

    • pytest [path]: Run tests in the specified file or directory. If no path is provided, Pytest will discover and run tests in the current directory and its subdirectories.
  2. Running Specific Tests:

    • pytest test_module.py::test_function: Run a specific test function within a test module.

    • pytest -k expression: Run tests that match the provided keyword expression. For example, -k "important and not slow" will run tests with both "important" and "not slow" in their names.

  3. Markers:

    • pytest -m marker_name: Run tests that are marked with a specific marker. For example, -m slow will run tests marked as "slow."
  4. Output Options:

    • pytest --verbose (-v): Increase verbosity, providing more details about the tests being run.

    • pytest --quiet (-q): Decrease verbosity, showing only test outcomes.

    • pytest --color yes/no/auto: Enable or disable colored output.

    • pytest --tb=style: Set the traceback style for tracebacks on test failure. Styles include short, line, native, and no.

  5. Test Selection:

    • pytest --collect-only: Show which tests would be collected without running them.

    • pytest --last-failed: Run the tests that failed during the last test run.

    • pytest --failed-first: Run the previously failed tests before running any other tests.

  6. Parallel Execution:

    • pytest -n NUM: Run tests in parallel using multiple processes. For example, -n 4 will run tests using four processes.
  7. Code Coverage:

    • pytest --cov=package_name: Measure code coverage for the specified package.

    • pytest --cov-report=type: Generate code coverage reports in various formats (e.g., term, html, xml).

  8. Skipping and Marking Tests:

    • pytest -k "not slow": Skip tests that match a keyword expression. This can be useful to exclude specific tests.

    • pytest -m "not slow": Skip tests marked with a specific marker.

  9. Test Duration:

    • pytest --durations=N: Show the N slowest test durations after the test run.
  10. Fixture Debugging:

    • pytest --setup-show: Show fixture setup information for each test.
  11. Using Config Files:

    • pytest -c config_file: Load configuration from a specific config file.
  12. Custom Test Discovery:

    • pytest --collect-only: Display all discovered tests without running them. Useful for inspecting which tests Pytest has discovered.

These are just some of the commonly used command-line options in Pytest. Pytest provides a comprehensive set of options to cater to various testing needs and scenarios. You can run pytest --help in your terminal to see a full list of available command-line options and their descriptions.

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